Get “Smart” With Your Invisalign Treatment
When you are considering getting teeth aligners to help you get your smile where you want it to be, you may see a lot of ads for things like mail-in ones. That’s where you would sign up, they would send [...]
When Should I Go To The Dentist For A Toothache?
Why Does My Tooth Hurt? It’s always a dreaded feeling - a toothache. You can feel it come at any time, whether you wake up from a sound sleep with a throbbing tooth or right before a big meeting or [...]
Benefits of Dental Implants
Why Choose Dental Implants? More and more people are starting to choose dental implants as the best option to replace missing teeth. They can opt to get a single tooth replaced or even get a whole row of them put [...]
Best Ways To Keep Teeth Healthy At Home
At the time of this writing, people found themselves in a unique situation of having to stay at home all the time. This situation does not mean that they are free from having to take care of their teeth - [...]
Should You Consider A Dental Bridge?
People lose teeth all the time. It could be from an accident, genetics, or gum disease. They need to do something though, since leaving the empty space alone is inviting the other teeth to shift and their cheeks to sink [...]
Myths and Misconceptions About Dental Implants
Are you considering getting dental implants but are concerned about some things that you have heard - whether on the internet or from family and friends? Chances are, those fears are exaggerated or even false. It’s best to go into [...]