We got our dental implants at Esthetix Dental Spa in Washington Heights For many patients, fixing a health issue is sometimes overshadowed by the resulting aesthetic. Of course, these patients opt to support their health, but it is an initial worry that can stick to the back of their mind. We tend to run into it when we want to offer our patients dental implants.

We receive the common question, “Will this dental implant resemble my teeth?” and we also get, “Will it look natural?”

These are perfectly good questions. Especially if you live in NYC – Fashion Center of the Universe! Before you decide to get any procedure, you must have total confidence in the process and results. Therefore, worrying about the changes in your mouth or teeth, and how they will affect the overall appearance is valid.

With you new dental implants, it will feel natural and you’ll be able to eat normally. Now to raise your confidence in the appearance of the dental implant, we’ll detail the aesthetic process.

Color, Size and Aesthetic

When your dentist approaches for a dental implant, you will be asked to choose the implant yourself. Yes, you read that correctly — you actually get to choose the implant you want. Most dentists will give you a display showing a series of artificial teeth, in the order of shades, that you can put up to your own teeth and compare them.
Porcelain teeth can’t be bleached, which is something to consider when choosing your dental implants.

Therefore the process of choosing the correct dental implant is a smooth process that will look natural, feel comfortable and not cause you aesthetic woes.
If you’re looking for a qualified dentist and oral surgeon in NYC who can expertly provide the surgery, and then help you pick the right shade of the dental implant, Esthetix Dental Spa in Washington Heights is the correct source. Come by and visit us TODAY for a consultation on how to achieve the best and most healthy smile!